We’re excited to announce the release of new functionality within the Ruler Analytics dashboard to help users further measure the effectiveness of their marketing activity.
We know many of you utilise our data outside of the Ruler Analytics platform to create custom reports, linking with campaign costs to analyse Return on Investment, Return on Ad Spend and Cost Per Acquisition.
We’ve now added the ability to feed campaign costs into Ruler, allowing you to quickly calculate key metrics to measure your marketing performance.
The cost tab will give you a breakdown of your entire marketing spend, taken directly from your keyword data. This release brings Google Ads costs into your dashboard, with Facebook and Microsoft Advertising development on the way soon.
Cost has been incorporated within Ruler reporting across the board, to provide actionable at-a-glance insight.
We’ve covered some of the key metrics you should be monitoring in our post ‘How Essential is B2B Marketing Measurement to other marketers’.
Within each report, you’ll find new columns including:
You can also upload offline campaign costs, such as conferences, events, print advertising and direct marketing.
Allowing you to gain full visibility of your campaign effectiveness, ROI and CAC.
Further support documentation on importing costs can be found here.
A lot of customers use Ruler Analytics to evidence the effectiveness of their campaigns, specifically for products and services that promote a lengthy sales cycles.
The nature of lengthy sales cycles, unfortunately, means marketers don’t get a true reflection of how well a campaign performed until weeks, months, or even years since the initial lead.
With Ruler Analytics opportunity stage report, you can now analyse the effectiveness of campaigns at every stage of your sales pipeline.
The data gives you insight into:
Further support documentation on the opportunity stage can be found here.
Our non-UK customers will be pleased to hear we’ve also released the ability to set time zones to align with your native reporting and provide greater accuracy when comparing against other data points.
Another nice quality-of-life addition allows default currency to be changed to Dollars or Euro. If there’s a currency you’d like us to include please let us know so we can add to the list.
You’ll find both options in your Site Setup settings
We can’t wait to see how customers make use of this new functionality.
As always, we welcome your feedback and recommendations to ensure we’re continually developing the Ruler Analytics product with the customer in mind.
You can find all the required documentation for integrating costs and opportunities here.
If you require any assistance in setting up any of the new features please feel free to drop us an email.
Alternatively, if you’re new to Ruler and would like to discuss how these new features could help improve your marketing measurement you can book some time with one of our team here.